Cash Hire Application Form


(Prop. Vincemus Investments (Pty) Ltd – Co. Reg. No. 1969/004762/07)

Completing this application does not ensure approval for your Cash Hire application. On receipt of all accurate and supporting documents your application will go through a two-part vetting process, before being considered successful. Once an application has been successfully submitted, our qualified consultants will be in contact to finalise the exchange.

The following digital documents are required to be uploaded for the Cash Hire Application to be considered successful:

Hiring in ‘Business’ capacity:

•  Copy of ID for Signatory
•  Copy of Driver’s Licence (Same as Driver Form)
•  Proof of Bank Details Letter
•  Proof of Address
•  Company CIPC Documents
•  Resolution Letter (For businesses not operating as ‘Sole Director’.)

Hiring in ‘individual’ capacity:

•  Copy of ID for Signatory
•  Copy of Driver’s Licence (Same as Driver Form)
•  Proof of Bank Details Letter
•  Proof of Address

Have you been in touch with one of our qualified consultants to discuss and confirm rates, quotations and Driver Form Details (If applicable)?